Film dokumenter yang menyajikan tentang pengaruh jalur rempah di wilayah Pesisir Pantai Utara Jawa yang menyusuri kota-kota besar, seperti Rembang, Pati, Kudus, Jepara, Demak, Semarang, Pekalongan, Tegal, dan Brebes. Di kota-kota tersebut jejak jalur rempah, terindikasi melalui budaya, kuliner, serta ragam dan gaya arsitektur.
A documentary film that presents the influence of the spice route in the Coastal Region of the North Coast of Java and significant cities, such as Rembang, Pati, Kudus, Jepara, Demak, Semarang, Pekalongan, Tegal, and Brebes. In these cities, spice trails are indicated through culture, cuisine, and architectural style.
Title : Langkah Rempah
English Title: –
Film Type: Dokumenter
Genre: History Journey
Runtime: 40:32 minutes
Completion Date: 10 November 2021
Pelaksana Kegiatan: Balai Pelestarian Cagar Budaya Prov. Jateng
Production House: CV. Mekar Yasa Mandiri & Montase Productions
Distribution: Montase Productions
Est. Budget: 8000 USD
Country of Origin: Indonesia
Country of Filming: Indonesia
Shooting Locations : Rembang, Pati, Kudus, Jepara, Demak, Semarang, Pekalongan, Tegal, dan Brebes, Jawa Tengah.
Shooting Format: 4K & HD
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
Film Color: Color
Sound: Stereo
Speed: 25fps
Languange: Indonesian
Pengarah: Sukronedi
Penanggung Jawab: ASmara Dewi
Koordinator: Bagus Ujianto
Pengelola Dokumen: Wahyu Broto Raharjo
Pengolah Data: Khairul Ulla
Produser Pendamping: Agus Makkie
Produser Pelaksana: Yohanes Pambudi
Manajer Produksi: Anisa Prastiari
Director: Agustinus Dwi Nugroho
Scriptwriter: Agustinus Dwi Nugroho Anisa Prastiari
Cinematographer: Moh. Mozafari Maskhun Setyawan
Asisten Kamera & Audio: Pekik Wenang
Drone: Pekik Wenang
Narator: Risa Afifah
Editor: Himawan Pratista
Narasumber : Slamet Purwanto Stefanus Handoyo Saputro Prof. Dr. Ir. Murdijati Gardjito Dr. Sri Margana M.Hum. Ernantoro Retna Dyah Radityawati, S.S., M.Hum. Rudy Siswanto Paryanto, S.Pd., M.M. Dr. Ir. Krispantono M.A. Sukronedi S.S., M.A.
Jalur rempah pesisir utara Jawa adalah salah satu simpul terpenting dalam perdagangan nusantara di masa lalu. Melalui pelayaran dagang inilah terjadi interaksi budaya antara pendatang dengan warga lokal yang hingga kini masih bisa kita rasakan melalui tradisi, budaya, kuliner, fashion, serte kuliner. Teramat penting bagi generasi kita sekarang untuk bisa mengetahui sejarah, bagaimana nusantara dulu merupakan pusat keanekaragaman rempah terbesar di dunia, serta pula bagaimana kita ke depan mampu mengembalikan kejayaan rempah di masa lalu.
The spice route on the north coast of Java was one of the most critical nodes in the archipelago’s trade in the past. Through this trade voyage, cultural interactions occur between immigrants and residents, which we can still feel through tradition, culture, culinary, fashion, and culinary. It is essential for our generation to know the history, how the archipelago was once the center of the most extraordinary spice diversity in the world, and how we will be able to restore the glory in the future of spices in the past.
Agustinus Dwi Nugroho lahir di Temanggung pada 27 Agustus 1990. Ia telah menjadi anggota Komunitas Film Montase sejak tahun 2008. Ia adalah salah satu anggota paling aktif di komunitas ini. Dalam produksi, ia fokus pada penyutradaraan dan penulisan naskah. Film-film yang telah ia garap adalah The Sacred of Kudus (2014), Ambarrukmo: Kedhaton dalam Pusaran Waktu (2015), Arca (2015), dan Reco (2015), beberapa diantaranya menang di festival film serta official selection di beberapa festival film internasional. Ia juga rajin mengisi seminar, workshop tentang penulisan naskah dan produksi film. Di masa studi lanjutnya, ia kini memproduksi film dokumenter bertema sejarah yang berjudul, The Paintings of War.
Agustinus Dwi Nugroho was born in Temanggung on August 27, 1990. He has been member of Montase Film Community, since 2008. He is one of the active members in his division at Montase. He is mostly focused on directing and scriptwriting. The films he directed before, The Sacred Of Kudus (2014), Ambarrukmo: Kedhaton dalam Pusaran Waktu (2015), Arca (2015), and Reco (2015), which some of them has achieved alot of film festivals Official selection, nominations and winning. He also holds up, seminars, workshops and public lectures in screenwriting. In the midst of the current study, he was making documentary film-themed national history and painting entitled The Paintings of War.