Montase adalah komunitas film independen yang dibentuk pada tahun 2005 di Kota Yogyakarta. Awalnya, mereka adalah sekumpulan para penikmat film yang berbagi info dan berdiskusi tentang film. Nama “Montase” (bermakna: editing) muncul ketika wacana pembuatan buletin sinema mulai terealisasi. Sejak tahun 2006, Komunitas Film Montase memiliki media buletin bernama “Buletin Sinema Independen Montase” bersama blog Buletin Montase terbit hingga 27 edisi, berisi pengetahuan dan ulasan film, baik mancanegara maupun lokal, serta artikel lepas yang terkait film. Setelahnya, Buletin Montase vakum sejak tahun 2012 dan hingga pada pertengahan tahun 2015 digantikan oleh website
Dalam perjalanannya, anggota Komunitas Film Montase semakin bertambah. Latar belakang anggota Montase juga semakin bervariasi yakni, pengajar film, praktisi film, mahasiswa film & televisi dan ilmu komunikasi, penikmat film, hingga wiraswasta. Komunitas Film Montase mulai membuat film dokumenter hingga film fiksi/cerita, serta mengadakan pelatihan produksi film untuk beberapa instansi serta kampus. Hingga kini, Komunitas Film Montase masih memproduksi film fiksi dan dokumenter pendek yang diikutsertakan ke beberapa festival di tanah air dan luar negeri, dan telah meraih puluhan penghargaan dan nominasi. Beberapa instansi dan lembaga pemerintah dan swasta juga sudah mempercayakan komunitas ini untuk memproduksi film fiksi atau dokumenter untuk kepentingan mereka.
Pada tahun 2015, Komunitas Film Montase meraih penghargaan Komunitas Film Terbaik dalam ajang bergengsi Apresiasi Film Indonesia (AFI) 2015. Pada tahun 2017, komunitas ini juga mulai mendirikan penerbitan dan mencetak buku film melalui Montase Press. Beberapa bukunya tercatat menjadi best seller dan digunakan sebagai acuan pengajaran film di banyak SMK dan kampus broadcasting, komunikasi, dan film. Pada tahun 2021, Komunitas Film Montase akhirnya membentuk sebuah badan hukum nonprofit yakni, Perkumpulan Montase Film Independen, untuk memudahkan berkolaborasi secara formal dengan lembaga dan instansi pemerintah, serta kementerian.
Komunitas Film Montase akan selalu tetap eksis berproduksi serta mengapresiasi film, dan kini menjadi salah satu komunitas terbaik dan terlengkap yang ada di negeri. Komunitas Film Montase akan terus meramaikan dan memberikan sumbangsih bagi dunia perfilman di tanah air.
Montase is an independent film community formed in 2005 in Yogyakarta City. Initially, they were a group of film lovers who shared information and discussed films. The name “Montase” (meaning: editing) appeared when the discourse on making a cinema bulletin began to be realized. Since 2006, the Montase Film Community has had a bulletin media called “Buletin Sinema Mandiri Montase” with The Montase Bulletin has been published in up to 27 editions, containing film knowledge and reviews, both foreign and local, as well as freelance articles related to films. Since then, Bulletin Montase has been on hiatus since 2012 and, until mid-2015, was replaced by the website
Along the way, the members of the Montase Film Community grew. The backgrounds of the members of Montase are also increasingly varied, namely, film teachers, film practitioners, students of film & television and communication science, film lovers, to entrepreneurs. Montase Film Community has started making documentaries to fiction/story films and holding film production training for several institutions and campuses. Until now, the Montase Film Community is still producing fiction films and short documentaries that have been submitted to several festivals in the country and abroad and have won dozens of awards and nominations. Several governments and private agencies, and institutions have also entrusted this community to produce fiction films or documentaries for their benefit.
In 2015, the Montase Film Community won the Best Film Community award at the prestigious Indonesian Film Appreciation (AFI) 2015. In 2017, this community also started publishing and printing film books through Montase Press. Several of his books have been recorded as best sellers and are used as a reference for teaching films in many vocational schools and campuses in broadcasting, communication, and film. In 2021, the Montase Film Community finally formed a non-profit legal entity, the Independent Film Montase Association, to facilitate formal collaboration with government agencies and ministries.
The Montase Film Community will always exist to produce films and is now one of the country’s best and most comprehensive communities. The Montase Film Community will continue to enliven and contribute to the world of cinema in the country.