Buletin edisi perdana rilis pada akhir 2015 yang menandai terbentuknya komunitas Montase. Hingga edisi ke-3, Buletin Montase yang didanai secara swadaya oleh anggotanya, mencetak buletin hingga 1000 eksemplar dan dibagikan secara gratis. Animo pembaca sangat luar biasa, dan kami mendapatkan beberapa respon positif yang mendukung buletin ini. Namun, dalam perkembangan karena dirasa terlalu luas dan tidak efektif diterima oleh sasaran pembacanya, maka mulai edisi ke-4, dipasang banderol sebesar Rp. 2000,- , untuk pengganti ongkos cetak. Dalam perkembangan karena harga ongkos cetak dan kertas yang semakin tinggi, akhirnya pada edisi ke-20, Buletin Montase menaikkan banderol sebesar Rp 5000,-. Sejak edisi ke 27, Buletin Montase vakum karena minimnya penulis serta harga cetak yang semakin tinggi.
Akhirnya pada awal tahun 2015, website montasefilm.com muncul menggantikan Buletin Montase. Website montasefilm.com hingga kini sudah berjalan dan data-data artikel Buletin dari edisi-edisi terdahulu terdapat dalam website ini. Hingga tahun 2021 sampai saat ini pun, montasefilm.com masih eksis dan terus mengulas film-film terbaru, baik film barat, Asia, maupun Indonesia. Khusus film-film barat, terjemahan teks Inggris juga sudah disajikan. Pada awal tahun 2022, montasefilm.com mengganti tampilannya sehingga diharapkan dapat semakin menarik pembaca untuk berkunjung ke website ini.
Baik Buletin Montase maupun website montasefilm.com memiliki slogan: “ringan dan mencerahkan”. Sasaran buletin dan website adalah semua kalangan, yakni pelajar, mahasiswa, umum yang minat dengan film. Ulasan-ulasan di dalamnya berisi sejarah dan pengetahuan film, serta ulasan yang sifatnya ringan, namun berbobot. Ulasan film, lebih menekankan pada aspek naratif dan sinematik sebuah karya film. Website montasefilm.com juga membuka bagi para penulis dan kritikus film dari tanah air untuk sama-sama berkontribusi memajukan perfilman nasional. Pada tahun 2021, dua penulis reguler montasefilm.com meraih nominasi Kritik Film Terbaik dalam ajang penghargaan puncak di tanah air, Festival Film Indonesia (FFI) melalui artikel Asih, Cermin Horor Indonesia Kontemporer.
The first edition of the bulletin was released at the end of 2015, which marked the formation of the Montase film community. Until the 3rd edition, Montase Bulletin, which is self-funded by its members, prints a newsletter of up to 1000 copies and distributes it free of charge. The readership has been tremendous, and we have received several positive responses in support of this newsletter. However, in development, it was deemed too broad and not effectively accepted by the target audience, starting from the 4th edition, a tag of Rp. 2000,-, to replace printing costs. In development due to the higher cost of printing and paper, finally, in its 20th edition, Bulletin Montase raised the official Rp. 5000.-. Since the 27th edition, Bulletin Montase has been on hiatus due to the lack of writers and the higher printing prices.
Finally, in early 2015, the website montasefilm.com appeared to replace Montase Bulletin. The website montasefilm.com has been running until now, and data on Bulletin articles from previous editions can be found on this website. Until 2021, montasefilm.com still exists and continues to review the latest films, both western, Asian, and Indonesian. For western movies, English subtitles have also been provided. In early 2022, montasefilm.com will change its appearance so that it is hoped that it will attract more readers to visit this website.
The Montase Bulletin and the montasefilm.com website have a “light and enlightening” slogan. The target of the bulletin and website is all circles, namely students, university students, the general public interested in films. The reviews in it contain film history and knowledge and studies that are light but weighty. Film reviews emphasize more on the narrative and cinematic aspects of film work. The website montasefilm.com also opens up opportunities for writers and film critics from Indonesia to jointly contribute to advancing the national film industry. In 2021, two writers from montasefilm.com achieved a Best Film Critic nomination at the top award event in the country, the Indonesian Film Festival (FFI), through article, Asih 2, Reflection of Contemporary Indonesian Horror film.