Pak Bejo menemukan reco (arca/patung kuno) di pekarangan rumahnya. Atas saran istrinya Pak Bejo menjual reco tersebut di pasar dan ternyata bisa laku. Para tetangga yang mendengar hal ini menjadi heboh dan seisi kampung ikut menggali mencari reco.

Mr. Bejo found an ancient statue in his yard and shared the story with his wife. He decided to sell the statue after the discussion with his wife. The village people received the news when the wife started to share the secret with her close friends. The whole village started digging to find more statues and earn.

Title : Reco

English Title : Reco

Film Type : Short Fiction

Runtime : 24:08 minutes

Completion Date : 3 Maret 2016 & Juni 2018 (Revision)

Production House : Montase Production & Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan

Budget : US$ 3000

Country of Origin : Indonesia

Country of Filming : Indonesia

Shooting Format : HD

Aspect Ratio : 16:9

Film Color : Color

Sound  : Stereo

Languange : Indonesian

Pelindung : Anies Baswedan, Ph.D – Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan

Pengarah : Didik Suhardi, Ph.D – Sekretaris Jenderal Kebudayaan

Penanggung Jawab : Dr.Ir. Ari Santoso, DEA. – Kepala Pusat Pengembangan Perfilman

Producer : Himawan Pratista

Director : Agustinus Dwi Nugroho

Script Writer : Himawan Pratista, Agustinus Dwi Nugroho

Ass. Producer : Melati Puspitasari, Debby Dwi Elsha

Ass. Director : Rian Apriansyah, Dewi Prastiningrum

Camera : Antonius Rah Utomo

Ass. Camera : Fandri Lis Malindra

Casting : Hadi Manuto

Location Manager : Sugeng Riyanto

Artistic : Andi Siti Hardianty

Costume : Tiara Kristiningtyas

Make Up : Tania Tora

Audio Recordist : Gregorius Yogaswara

Boomer : Iqbal Ramadhan

Runner : Dwi Saputro

Catering : Cetik Winarsih

Editor : Moh. Azry

Score : Gregorius Yogaswara

Cast : Hadi Manuto, Widowati, Drs. Susanto, Sarno, Dwi Saputro, Dewi Prastiningrum, Minarsih, Sugeng Riyanto, Etik Winarsih, Fandri Lis Malindra


Isu yang menarik untuk diangkat adalah masalah pelestarian cagar budaya yang berbenturan dengan masalah sosial kemasyarakatan yang timbul, jika penemuan benda purbakala tersebut berada di wilayah milik seseorang terlebih jika lingkupnya luas. Perdebatan pihak tim pelestarian cagar budaya dan warga akan berlangsung alot jika tidak ada negosiasi yang kondusif, serta biaya kompensasi yang kurang memadai untuk pembebasan tanah warga. Persoalan ini sangat potensial terjadi di wilayah Yogyakarta dan sekitarnya dibandingkan dengan wilayah lain, karena di bawah lapisan yang kita pijak saat ini masih banyak situs purbakala peninggalan kejayaan Mataram Kuno yang dulu pernah dalam masa keemasan di wilayah Yogyakarta.

The issues raised was the problem of preservation of cultural heritage in conflict with the social problems that arise, if the discovery of archaeological objects are located in the area belonging to residents. Conflict between cultural heritage otority and citizens will be tough if the negotiations are not conducive, as well as inadequate compensation costs for the acquisition of land belonging to residents. This issue potentially occur in the region of Yogyakarta (Centre Java, Indonesia) and surrounding areas because under a layer beneath them are still hundreds even thousands relics from archaeological site of Ancient Mataram

Agustinus Dwi Nugroho lahir di Temanggung pada 27 Agustus 1990. Ia telah menjadi anggota Komunitas Film Montase sejak tahun 2008. Ia adalah salah satu anggota paling aktif di komunitas ini. Dalam produksi, ia fokus pada penyutradaraan dan penulisan naskah. Film-film yang telah ia garap adalah The Sacred of Kudus (2014), Ambarrukmo: Kedhaton dalam Pusaran Waktu (2015), Arca (2015), dan Reco (2015), beberapa diantaranya menang di festival film serta official selection di beberapa festival film internasional. Ia juga rajin mengisi seminar, workshop tentang penulisan naskah dan produksi film. Di masa studi lanjutnya, ia kini memproduksi film dokumenter bertema sejarah yang berjudul, The Paintings of War.

Agustinus Dwi Nugroho was born in Temanggung on August 27, 1990. He has been member of Montase Film Community, since 2008. He is one of the active members in his division at Montase. He is mostly focused on directing and scriptwriting. The films he directed before, The Sacred Of Kudus (2014), Ambarrukmo: Kedhaton dalam Pusaran Waktu (2015), Arca (2015), and Reco (2015), which some of them has achieved alot of film festivals Official selection, nominations and winning. He also holds up, seminars, workshops and public lectures in screenwriting. In the midst of the current study, he was making documentary film-themed national history and painting entitled The Paintings of War.

Festival Video Edukasi 2016

Nominasi Film Terbaik Kategori Umum, Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur, Indonesia.

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