Film dokumenter ini menceritakan tentang sejarah pembangunan, pemugaran, karakteristik bangunan, dan perkembangan Kawasan Candi Sewu yang merupakan bagian dari Kawasan Warisan Budaya Dunia, Kawasan Candi Prambanan.
Sewu Temple Area is one of the oldest and largest Buddhist temples in Central Java, Indonesia. This temple area is unique, with three prominent temples in the center and hundreds of temples around it. This documentary film tells about the history of the construction, restoration, building characteristics, and development of the Sewu Temple Area, which is part of the World Cultural Heritage Area, the Prambanan Area.
Title : Candi Sewu dan Kisah Seribu Candi
English Title: Sewu Temple and the Tale of Thousand Temples
Film Type: Documentary
Genre: Heritage
Runtime: 30 minutes
Completion Date: 30 September 2020
Production House: CV. Nusantara Kreatif & Montase Productions
Distribution: Montase Productions
Est. Budget: 5000 USD
Country of Origin: Indonesia
Country of Filming: Indonesia
Shooting Locations : Situs Candi Sewu, Klaten, Jawa Tengah.
Shooting Format: HD
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
Film Color: Color
Sound: Stereo
Speed: 25fps
Languange: Indonesian
Producer : Balai Pelestarian Cagar Budaya Provinsi Jawa tengah
Director: Agustinus Dwi Nugroho
Project Manager: Himawan Pratista
Assistant Director: Anisa Prastiari Luluk Ulhasanah
Scriptwriter: Wardiyah
Cinematographer: Antonius Rah Utomo
Editor: Moh. Azry
Drone: Pekik Wenang
Drawings: Eka Prasetya Hendrawan
Visual Graphic: Rian Apriansyah
Cast : –
Agustinus Dwi Nugroho lahir di Temanggung pada 27 Agustus 1990. Bergabung dengan Komunitas Film Montase sejak tahun 2008. Dia sebagian besar fokus pada penyutradaraan dan penulisan naskah. Film-film yang pernah ia sutradarai, The Sacred Of Kudus (2014), Ambarrukmo: Kedhaton dalam Pusaran Waktu (2015), Arca (2015), Reco (2015), serta Paintings of War (2017) yang beberapa di antaranya telah meraih banyak mendapat apresiasi di festival film, baik lokal maupun internasional. Saat ini, ia menjadi pengajar tetap di Institut Seni Yogyakarta (ISI), Program Studi Media Rekam, Jurusan Film dan Televisi dan mengampu mata kuliah kritik film. Ia juga aktif memberikan pelatihan, kuliah umum, seminar di beberapa kampus, serta menjadi pemakalah dalam konferensi Internasional. Penelitiannya selalu fokus pada kajian teks naratif maupun sinematik sebuah film.
Agustinus Dwi Nugroho was born in Temanggung on August 27, 1990. Joined the Montase Film Community in 2008. He primarily focuses on directing and scriptwriting. The films that he has directed are The Sacred Of Kudus (2014), Ambarrukmo: Kedhaton in the Whirlpool of Time (2015), Arca (2015), Reco (2015), and Paintings of War (2017), some of which have won many awards and received appreciation at film festivals, both locally and internationally. He is a permanent lecturer at the Yogyakarta Art Institute (ISI), Film and Television Department and teaches the theory of film and film criticism. He is also active in providing training, public lectures, and seminars at several campuses and being a speaker at international conferences. His research always focuses on studying a film’s narrative and cinematic texts.
18th The Archaeology Channel International Film Festival 2022
Official Selection, Oregon, US
33th RAM Film Festival 2022
On Competition, Rovereto, Italy