Film dokumenter ini menceritakan makna demokrasi dalam arti yang paling murni dari sudut pandang para pedagang kecil di Pasar Beringharjo di Jogja. Dengan pertanyaan-pertanyaan sederhana dari acara Pemilihan Presiden baru lalu, secara mengejutkan, mereka mampu memberikan perspektif demokrasi yang tulus dan jujur, dan harapan mereka untuk pemerintahan saat ini.
This documentary tells the meaning of democracy in the purest sense from the point of view of the small traders in the Beringharjo Market in Jogja. Surprisingly, with simple questions from the recent Presidential Election event, they provided a sincere and honest democratic perspective and their hopes for the present administration.
Title : Demokrasi Akar Rumput
English Title: Democracy: The Grassroots
Film Type: Documentary
Genre: Politik
Runtime: 10:00 minutes
Completion Date: 30 November 2019
Production House: JKA Films
Distribution: Montase Productions
Budget: 100 USD
Country of Origin: Indonesia
Country of Filming: Indonesia
Shooting Locations : Pasar Bering Harjo, Yogyakarta
Shooting Format: HD
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
Film Color: Color
Sound: Stereo
Speed : 25fps
Languange : Indonesian
Producer : Magdalena Oryza
Director : Nanda Bella Dayaningtyas
Scriptwriter : Nanda Bella Dayaningtyas
Cinematographer : Krisna Reva Utama
Editor : Moh. Azry
Audio : Purnawan
Apa makna demokrasi bagi akar rumput? Pertanyaan yang absurd rasanya buat masyarakat bawah yang hanya ingin kehidupan mereka sejahtera, aman dan sentosa. Film ini bisa merefleksikan keinginan kalangan bawah tentang apa yang diharapkan mereka dari pemerintahan yang baru.
What does democracy mean for the grassroots? It’s an absurd question for the lower class people who want their lives to be prosperous, safe and peaceful. This film can reflect the wishes of the lower classes about what they are expected from the new administration.
Nanda Bella Dayaningtyas lahir di Purworejo, 22 Januari 2000. Ia menempuh kuliah di Prodi Film, Sekolan Tinggi Ilmu Komunikasi (STIKOM), Yogyakarta. Pengalamannya dalam produksi film adalah memproduksi tugas film fiksi pendek untuk tugas kampusnya. Bergabung komunitas film mOntase sejak tahun 2019. Film dokumenter Demokrasi Akar Rumput (2019) adalah film debutnya yang mendapat apresiasi tinggi di beberapa festival film lokal.
Nanda Bella Dayaningtyas was born in Purworejo, January 22, 2000. She studied at the Film Study Program, Sekolan College of Communication Sciences (STIKOM), Yogyakarta. His experience in film production is producing short fiction film assignments for his campus assignments. Joined the mOntase film community in 2019. A short documentary, Democracy: The Grassroots (2019) debut received high appreciation at several local film festivals.
Festival Film Puskat 2019
Juara 2, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.