
Agustinus Dwi Nugroho

Agustinus Dwi Nugroho lahir di Temanggung pada 27 Agustus 1990. Ia menempuh pendidikan Program Studi Film sejak tahun 2008 di sebuah akademi komunikasi di Yogyakarta. Di sini ia mulai mengenal lebih dalam soal film, baik dari sisi kajian maupun produksi. Semasa kuliah aktif dalam produksi film pendek baik dokumenter maupun fiksi. Ia juga lulus dengan predikat cum laude serta menjadi lulusan terbaik. Ia mulai masuk Komunitas Film Montase pada tahun 2008, yang kala itu masih fokus pada bidang apresiasi film melalui Buletin Montase, yang saat ini telah berganti menjadi website montasefilm.com. Sejak saat itu, ia mulai aktif menulis ulasan dan artikel film hingga kini. Ia juga menjadi editor buku Memahami Film Edisi Kedua (2017), serta menjadi salah satu penyusun dan penulis buku Kompilasi Buletin Film Montase Vol.1 – 3 (2018) serta 30 Film Indonesia Terlaris 2002 – 2018 (2019). Pada tahun 2021 ia bersama rekannya memperoleh nominasi Festival Film Indonesia (FFI) Kategori kritik film terbaik, melalui tulisan berjudul Asih 2: Cermin Horor Kontemporer.

Setelah lulus, ia melanjutkan program sarjana di Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi di salah satu perguruan tinggi swasta di Jogja. Penelitian tugas akhirnya mengambil tema tentang sinema neorealisme, membandingkan film produksi lokal yang bertema sejenis. Tahun 2017, Ia menyelesaikan studi magisternya di Program Pascasarjana Jurusan Pengkajian Seni di Institut Seni Indonesia (ISI) Yogyakarta dengan minat utama film. Penelitian tesisnya terkait dengan kajian narasi dan plot sebuah film. Saat ini, ia menjadi pengajar tetap di Program Studi Film dan Televisi, Institut Seni Indonesia (ISI) Yogyakarta mengampu mata kuliah Pengantar Film, Sejarah Film, Kritik film, serta mata kuliah lainnya yang terkait dengan Kajian film. Ia juga aktif memberikan pelatihan, kuliah umum, seminar di beberapa kampus, serta menjadi pemakalah dalam konferensi Internasional. Penelitiannya selalu fokus pada kajian teks naratif maupun sinematik sebuah film.

Di Komunitas Film Montase sendiri, ia menjabat sebagai ketua komunitas sejak tahun 2016 hingga 2018. Bersama rekan-rekannya, ia juga aktif terlibat dalam produksi film dan fokus pada penulisan naskah dan penyutradaraan. Beberapa film pernah ia sutradarai baik fiksi maupun dokumenter, antara lain The Sacred of Kudus (2014), Ambarrukmo: Kedaton dalam Pusaran Waktu (2016), Arca (2015), serta Reco (2016). Film-film tersebut berhasil tembus official selection dan finalis di berbagai festival film International maupun nasional. Arca menjadi official selection di 14th International Short & Independent Film Festival Dhaka 2016. The Paintings of War: Aggression in the Eyes of Children berhasil menjadi finalis di ajang 12th Belize International Film Festival 2017, yang sebelumnya juga telah mendapatkan nominasi film dokumenter terbaik dalam ajang Apresiasi Film Indonesia (AFI) 2016. Pada tahun 2014, ia juga meraih penghargaan kategori Penulis Skenario Terbaik melalui film fiksi pendek, Superboy (2014) dalam ajang festival film indie di Yogyakarta.


Agustinus Dwi Nugroho was born in Temanggung on August 27, 1990. He has been studying Film Studies since 2008 at a communications academy in Yogyakarta. Here he began to know more about films, studies, and production. During college, he was active in producing short films, documentaries, and fiction. He also graduated cum laude and became the best graduate. He started to join the Montase Film Community in 2008, which was still focusing on the field of film appreciation through the Montase Bulletin, which has now changed to the website montasefilm.com. Since then, he has been actively writing film reviews and articles. He is also the editor of the book Understanding Film Second Edition (2017), as well as being one of the compilers and authors of the book Compilation Bulletin Film Montase Vol.1 – 3 (2018) and 30 Best Selling Indonesian Films 2002 – 2018 (2019). In 2021, he and his colleagues received a nomination at the Indonesian Film Festival (FFI) for the best film criticism category through an article entitled Asih 2: Reflection of Contemporary Indonesian Horror Film.

After graduating, he continued his undergraduate program at the Department of Communication Science at a private university in Jogja. The final assignment research took the theme of neorealism cinema, comparing local films produced with similar articles. In 2017, he completed his master’s studies at the Postgraduate Program in the Department of Art Studies at the Indonesian Art Institute (ISI) Yogyakarta with a significant interest in film. His thesis research is related to studying the narrative and plot of a film. Currently, he is a permanent lecturer at the Film and Television Study Program, Indonesian Art Institute (ISI) Yogyakarta, teaching Introduction to Film, Film History, Film Criticism, and other subjects related to film studies. He is also active in providing training, public lectures, seminars at several campuses, and being a speaker at international conferences. His research always focuses on studying a film’s narrative and cinematic texts.

In the Montase Film Community, he has served as the community chairman since 2016 until 2018. Along with his colleagues, he is also actively involved in film production and focuses on scriptwriting and directing. He has directed several films, both fiction and documentary, including The Sacred of Kudus (2014), Ambarrukmo: Kedaton in Whirlpool (2016), Arca (2015), and Reco (2016). These films managed to get through to the official selection and were finalists at various international and national film festivals. Arca became the official selection at the 14th International Short & Independent Film Festival Dhaka 2016. The Paintings of War: Aggression in the Eyes of Children managed to become a finalist at the 12th Belize International Film Festival 2017, which previously also received a nomination for the best documentary film in the Appreciation event. Film Indonesia (AFI) 2016. In 2014, he also won the Best Screenplay Writer category for the short fiction film Superboy (2014) at the indie film festival in Yogyakarta.

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