
Dewi Prastiningrum

Dewi Prastiningrum, lahir di Magelang pada tanggal 11 Desember 1990. Usai lulus SMA pada tahun 2009, ia menimba ilmu di televisi komunitas Grabag TV Magelang dan masih aktif hingga kini. Ketertarikannya pada dunia broadcasting, menggiring minatnya untuk mendalami film. Semenjak aktif di Grabag TV, selain tugas utamanya di sekretariat dan Penanggung Jawab Utama untuk Divisi Program, ia juga memproduksi beberapa film baik fiksi, ILM, video klip, dokumenter dan program TV. Konten siaran Grabag TV melalui www.grabagtv.net dan channel Youtube – Grabag TV masih dikelola dan di produseri olehnya. Selain produksi, ia mengajar siswa maupun mahasiswa yang magang kerja/PKL/Prakerin di tempatnya bekerja. Ia juga beberapa kali diberi kesempatan menjadi pembicara dan juri untuk workshop, pelatihan, seminar di bidang film. Film dokumenter Wido (2019) adalah debut filmnya bersama mOntase yang diapresiasi tinggi di beberapa festival film lokal.


Dewi Prastiningrum was born in Magelang on December 11, 1990. After graduating from high school in 2009, she studied television at the Grabag TV Magelang community and currently she is teaching there. Her interest in broadcasting world, resulted also to interest in film study. Since she has been active in Grabag TV, in addition to her main duty at the secretariat and main Responsible for the Program Division, she produced several good fiction films, PSAs, video clips, documentaries and TV programs. The content of Grabag TV broadcasts through www.grabagtv.net and the Youtube channel – Grabag TV are still managed and produced by her. In addition to production, she teaches students who work apprenticeship / street vendors / employers in their work place. She was also given the opportunity to be a speaker and jury several times for workshops, training, seminars in films. A documentary short Wido (2019) was her film debut with mOntase which was highly appreciated at several local film festivals.

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