Neo Kaspara Widiastuti lulus sebagai Sarjana Seni pada tahun 2022, di jurusan Film dan Televisi, Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta. Karya tugas akhirnya berjudul “Membangun Psichological Conflict Tokoh Utama dengan Penerapan Segmen Flaschback dalam Penciptaan Skenario “Aku, Kamu, Dia, dan Mereka adalah Kita”.
Selama masa perkuliahan, Neo aktif dalam organisasi Rumah Dongeng Mentari (2017), dan juga Lembaga Pers Mahasiswa Pressisi (2018-2021). Perempuan asli Jawa Timur ini, gemar menulis sejak kecil. Ia pernah menjadi kontributor di Brisik.ID dan juga menulis novel di beberapa platform online, seperti wattpad, Kwikku, dan Novelme.
Selain menulis artikel dan buku, Neo juga aktif di bidang film. Selama masa perkuliahan, ia telah membuat beberapa film pendek, baik fiksi maupuan non fiksi. Beberapa diantaranya berjudul: Wajah Perempuan dengan Masa Lalunya (2019), Barjo The Series (2018), Superatmi (2018), Bunga Harum Tak Pernah Mekar (2017) dan masih banyak lagi. Pada tahun 2019, ia berhasil menjadi salah satu finalis Anti Coruption Film Festival (KPK) 2019, dengan film pendek berjudul “Sebuah Nama”. Mimpi terbesarnya adalah menjadi penulis skenario profesional. Neo bergabung dalam komunitas Film Montase pada tahun 2022.
Neo Kaspara Widiastuti graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in 2022, majoring in Film and Television, Indonesian Institute of the Arts Yogyakarta. His final assignment was “Building the Main Character’s Psychological Conflict by Applying the Flashback Segment in the Creation of the “I, You, He, and They are Us” Scenario.
During his lectures, Neo was active in the Mentari Fairy Tale House organization (2017) and the Precision Student Press Institute (2018-2021). This woman from East Java has been fond of writing since she was a child. He has been a contributor at Brisik.ID has also written novels on several online platforms, such as Wattpad, Kwikku, and Novelme.
Besides writing articles and books, Neo is also active in the film industry. During his studies, he has made several short films, both fiction and non-fiction. Some of them are titled: Women’s Faces with their Past (2019), Barjo The Series (2018), Superatmi (2018), Harum Flowers Never Bloom (2017), and many more. In 2019, he became one of the finalists of the Anti-Corruption Film Festival (KPK) 2019 with a short film entitled “A Name.” His biggest dream is to become a professional screenwriter. Neo joined the Film Montage community in 2022