
Dwi Saputro

Dwi Saputro lahir di Sragen, 15 Agustus 1994. Ia menempuh kuliah di Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional (UPN), Yogyakarta. Pengalamannya pertama kali dalam produksi film adalah ketika memproduksi tugas film fiksi pendek bertema pertanian dari kampusnya. Dari sinilah, ia mulai tertarik produksi film dan bertemu dengan Komunitas Film Montase. Ia kemudian bergabung dengan Komunitas Film Montase sejak awal tahun 2015, dan selalu terlibat dalam nyaris semua film produksi Montase Productions, sebagai pemain, penata artistik, perekam audio, asisten penata kamera, seperti Reco, The Colors of Mind, The Paintings of War, Dongeng Pak Bagong, dan Journey to the Darkness. Ia memulai debut sutradara dalam film fiksi pendek Once Upon a Time in Yogyakarta (2017) yang bertema alih fungsi lahan pertanian menjadi pemukiman yang kini tengah menjadi isu serius di Kota Yogyakarta. Film pendek bertema lingkungan ini banyak mendapat apresiasi dari festival film lokal dan international.


Dwi Saputro was born in Sragen, on August 15, 1994. He studied at the Faculty of Agriculture, National Development University (UPN), Yogyakarta. His first experience in film production came from producing the task of a short fiction-themed film from his campus. Since then, he interested in film production and met Montase Film Community. He joined  Montase Community since early 2015, and has been involved in almost all Montase Productions films, as performers, artistic, audio recordist, camera assistant, such as Reco, The Colors of Mind, The Paintings of War, Dongeng Pak Bagong, and Journey to the Darkness. He made his directorial debut in the short fiction film Once Upon a Time in Yogyakarta (2017) with a theme of conversion of agricultural land into a settlement which is now a serious issue in the city of Yogyakarta. This short film received many awards from local and international film festivals

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