Dua orang bocah bermain layang-layang di lapangan kosong di tengah sawah dekat dusun mereka. Ketika layangan tersebut putus talinya, mereka pun mengejarnya. Layang-layang tersebut jatuh di lahan persawahan yang 10 tahun lagi kelak akan dibangun gedung hotel dan apartemen yang tinggi.

Two boys play kite on an empty yard in the middle of the rice fields near their villages. The kite broke the rope and they chased after it. The kite fell on the location of the area wherein the next 10 years there will be built a high rise hotel building.

Title : The Playground

English Title: The Playground

Film Type : Fiction

Genre : Drama/Environmental

Runtime : 5:46 minutes

Completion Date : 1 Agustus 2019 (International Version)

Production House : Montase Productions

Distribution : Montase Productions

Budget  : 100 USD

Country of Origin : Indonesia

Country of Filming : Indonesia

Shooting Locations : Yogyakarta

Shooting Format : HD

Aspect Ratio : 16:9

Film Color : Color

Sound : Stereo

Speed  : 25fps

Languange : Indonesian

Producer : Himawan Pratista  Mohammad Mozafari

Director : Purnawan

Scriptwriter : Moh. Azry

Cinematographer : Antonius Rah Utomo

Asisstant Camera : Rian Apriansyah

Editor : Moh. Azry

Audio : Fandri Lis Malindra

Property & Casting: Pekik Wenang

Cast  : Afif Syafatahna Anggianto, Muhammad Hilmi Mahwuz

Kota Jogjakarta kini berkembang dengan sangat pesat sebagai kota studi dan wisata. Perkembangan ini diikuti cepatnya pertumbuhan area pemukiman di wilayah pinggiran kota. Hal ini berdampak pada ruang hijau yang semakin tergeser oleh pembangunan fisik yang tentu berdampak pada ruang bermain untuk anak-anak di wilayah pinggiran.

The city of Jogjakarta is now developing very rapidly as a city of study and tourism. This development was followed by the rapid growth of residential areas in suburban areas. This has an impact on the green space that is increasingly displaced by physical development which naturally has an impact on play spaces for children in the periphery.

Purnawan lahir di Rupat, Bengkalis, Riau pada tanggal 23 April 1998. Ketertarikannya ke medium film dibuktikan dengan studinya di Program Studi Film, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Komunikasi Yogjakarta. Ia seringkali terlibat dalam produksi film pendek di kampusnya sebagai asisten sutradara, DOP, asisten DOP, dan penata cahaya. Tidak puas dengan pengetahuan film di kampusnya, ia bergabung dengan salah satu komunitas film terbesar di kota Jogja. The Playground adalah film debutya.

Purnawan was born in Rupat, Bengkalis, Riau, on April 23, 1998. His interest in film was proven by his studies at a film academy in Yogyakarta. He is often involved in film production for assignments on campus, as an assistant director, DOP, DOP assistant, and lighting. Not satisfied with his studies on campus, he joined one of the film communities in his city. The Playground is a film debut with his community.

SEAxSEA: Southeast Asia x Seattle Film Festival 2019

Selected for Screening, Seattle, Washington, U.S.

18th International Environment Short Film Festival 2020

Selected for Screening, Istanbul, Turkey.

ReelOzlnd! Australia Indonesia Short Film Festival 2020

Official Selection, Jakarta, Indonesia.

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