Film The Sacred of Kudus adalah film dokumenter nonnaratif yang menggambarkan sembilan keunikan kota Kudus melalui bahasa visual yang kuat yang mampu mengajak penonton melihat keindahan, keunikan, serta kekudusan wilayah Kudus.
The Sacred of Kudus is a nonnaratif documentary film that describes nine unique of Kudus (a region at Central Java, Indonesia) through a strong visual language that is able to invite the audience to see the beauty, uniqueness, and the holiness of the region.
Title : The Sacred of Kudus
Film Type : Documentary
Runtime : 26 : 21 minutes
Completion Date : June 2015
Production House : Montase Production
Budget : US$ 500
Country of Origin : Indonesia
Country of Filming : Indonesia
Shooting Locations : Kudus, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia
Shooting Format : HD
Aspect Ratio : 16:9
Film Color : Color
Sound : Stereo
Languange : –
Subtittle : English
Producer : Melati Puspitasari & Himawan Pratista
Director : Agustinus Dwi Nugroho
Scriptwriter : Himawan Pratista & Agustinus Dwi Nugroho
Cinematographer : Antonius Rah Utomo, Rian Apriansyah
Audio : Agustinus Dwi Nugroho & Gregorius Yogaswara Murti
Editor : Moh. Azry
Score : Gregorius Yogaswara Murti
Kudus adalah sebuah wilayah dan kota yang unik yang kaya dengan budaya lokal serta tradisinya. Dengan segala keberagaman budayanya, Kudus sangat menarik untuk divisualisasikan dalam sebuah film yang ringan namun mampu menggambarkan kekayaan wilayah ini secara utuh.
Kudus is a unique area and city with many local culture and traditions. With all its cultural diversity, Kudus is very interesting to be visualized in a film that is lightweight yet able to describe the richness of this region as a whole.
Agustinus Dwi Nugroho lahir di Temanggung pada 27 Agustus 1990. Ia menempuh pendidikan di jurusan film sejak tahun 2008 di sebuah akademi komunikasi di Yogyakarta. Disini ia mulai mengenal lebih dalam soal film baik dari sisi kajian maupun produksi. Semasa kuliah aktif dalam produksi film pendek baik dokumenter maupun fiksi. Ia juga lulus dengan predikat Cum Laude serta lulusan terbaik. Ia mulai masuk di komunitas Montase pada tahun 2008 yang kala itu masih fokus pada bidang apresiasi film pada Buletin Montase. Saat itulah ia mulai belajar dan aktif menulis ulasan film. Setelah lulus ia melanjutkan program sarjananya di jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi di salah satu perguruan tinggi swasta di Jogja. Penelitian tugas akhirnya mengambil tema tentang Sinema Neorealisme dan membandingkan dengan film-film produksi lokal yang bertema sejenis. Saat ia tengah melanjutkan studinya di Program Pascasarjana Jurusan Pengkajian Seni di Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta dengan minat utama pada film.
Di Montase sendiri ia juga aktif terlibat dalam produksi dan pelatihan film. Di bidang produksi ia fokus pada bidang penulisan naskah dan penyutradaraan. Beberapa film yang pernah ia sutradarai antara lain The Sacred Of Kudus (2015), Ambarrukmo: Kedaton dalam Pusaran Waktu (2015), Arca (2015), serta Reco (2015). Ia juga aktif menulis naskah dalam film-film produksi Montase dan pernah mendapat penghargaan kategori Penulis Skenario Terbaik melalui film Superboy (2014) dalam ajang festival film skala nasional di Yogyakarta. Ia aktif pula dalam kegiatan pelatihan, workshop, serta kuliah umum mengenai penulisan naskah. Di tengah studinya saat ini masih menyelesaikan film bertema sejarah nasional dan seni lukis berjudul Paintings of War.
Agustinus Dwi Nugroho born in Temanggung on August 27, 1990. He was educated at the film department since 2008 at a college communication in Yogyakarta. Here he began to know more about the film both in terms of research and production. During college active in the production of short films either documentary or fiction. He also graduated Cum Laude and best graduates. He started to go in the community montages in 2008, then still focus on the field of film appreciation at Montase Bulletin. That’s when he started to learn and actively writing movie reviews. After graduation he continued his graduate program in the Department of Communication Studies at one of the private universities in Yogyakarta. Research tasks eventually take the theme of Cinema Neorealism and compared with films produced locally themed similar. When he is continuing his studies at the Graduate Program of the Department of Art Studies at the Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta with a major interest in the film.
In the montase itself he was also actively involved in the production and training films. In the field of production he focused on the areas of script writing and directing. Some of the films he had directed, among others, The Sacred Of Kudus (2015), Ambarrukmo: Kedhaton dalam Pusaran Waktu (2015), Arca (2015), and Reco (2015). He also writes the script in films produced by montase and awarded the Best Screenplay category through the film Superboy (2014) in the event of a national scale film festival in Yogyakarta. He is also active in training activities, workshops, and public lectures on screenwriting. In the midst of the current study was to finish the film-themed national history and painting entitled Paintings of War.
11th International Tourism Film Festival “Tourfilm Riga” 2018
- Official Selection